I think we all want to be a low stress family. We all live busy lives. We all encounter difficult situations, that's just a part of living. We all have stress. The key is to learning how to downplay the stress and create joy and togetherness in your household. I thought this article offered some really great advice for keeping your family focused on truly being together.
You may or may not agree with all 7 secrets. I'm not going to comment on any of them, I am just going to give you the facts, straight from the article and let you draw your own conclusions...
The research was based on 32 California based families who opened up their lives to a 3-person crew for 4 days. In every family, both parents worked outside the home and had two or more children. So here are the similarities they found.
- Low-stress couples don't divvy up the chores. They don't keep score. "There was more of a'we-ness', the attitude was more we do this for our family, not I do this for you."
- Low-stress families find moments of togetherness. They understand that moments of togetherness do not necessarily happen on vacation, they happen during special moments like braiding their daughter's hair or cheering together at their son's t-ball game.
- Low-stress parents are role models, not pals. "There was still affection and humor in homes where the parents were the bosses, there was never a question of who was in charge.
- Low-stress moms make dinner from scratch. The average woman spent about an hour preparing dinner. Also, children who were involved in the food preparation always ate what they were served. (I am simply relaying the information here.)
- Low-stress moms take five minutes of me time. The secret to being fully present and enjoying family life is taking 5-10 minutes to yourself. This is a healthy act, not a selfish one.
- Low-stress families watch TV together. "Bonding can be sharing snacks, high-fiving when a basketball team scores, or guessing trivia questions together." When families laugh together, it creates a shared memory.
- Low-stress families embrace daily rituals. Routine and continuity (not spontaneity and excitement) set the foundation for making family relationships thrive.
I will say that the one that shocked me the most is the one about TV. There is a lot of controversy about TV. TV can cause a lot of damage to a family. TVs in every room can cause separation. But as I read this, I vividly remembered sitting as a family watching The Cosby Show and laughing together. It is a small but great memory.
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