Monday, December 20, 2010


Matthew 1:23
“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
I'm not sure what your plans are today.  Maybe you have to go to work like you do every day.  Maybe you are frantically running around town trying to keep up with all the things that need to get done this Christmas season.  Maybe you are going to squeeze both in.
As you go throughout your day today, know that Jesus, Immanuel, is with you.
He is with you as you accomplish everyday tasks.
He is with you in your struggle to forgive someone.
He is with you as you work your job with integrity.
He is with you as you raise your children.
He is with you even if you don't feel Him.
He is with you even if you don't want Him to be.
Immanuel, God is with you.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Growing Positive Attitudes in Your Kids at Christmas

Very few parents enjoy a day or week without hearing their kids complain. It seems like our culture has conditioned us today to want more, to believe we deserve more, to compare our lives to others, to feel entitled to everything — and to get negative if we don’t get what we want.
Adolescents were surveyed forty years ago and asked how many possessions they feel they need to survive. Their answer? Fifty necessities. Recently, the same question was asked of teens, and they responded: A little over 300 items. We seem to need more and more to be happy.

So how do we foster a positive attitude in our kids in this entitled world?

Try this.

For one week, establish a “no complaining” policy in your home. Remind your kids that no one likes a complainer. Tell your kids you don’t want them to not come to you with a problem or complaint unless they have a possible solution for it, or they have a positive way of looking at it. If they complain and have no positive way of seeing the situation, have them pay one of two penalties:

1. Celebrate a victory. For every negative thought, have your kids come up with a positive one. For instance, if they insult a sibling, have them cite a positive quality about that same sibling. If they whine about an unfortunate reality, have them cite a positive advantage they enjoy simultaneously.

2. Pay a fine. If your child just cannot think of anything positive to say, have them pay a dollar each time they get negative and stay negative. Failure to think about a victory or an optimistic thought will cost them some money. You may be surprised how quickly they learn to get positive.

Positive attitudes have little to do with how difficult or easy circumstances are. They have everything to do with the perspective people have going into their circumstances. I know one mom who worked to instill a positive attitude in her son; she emphasized it was better to be grateful and thinking of others, than thinking of himself. Unfortunately, the little boy wasn’t too popular at school, and one Christmas he wanted to give a Christmas card to all the students in his class. His mom was sure he’d be disappointed that his classmates would not give a card to him. When he returned home at the end of the day, she overheard her son saying as he walked in the door: “Not one. Not one…” She feared he was complaining about how he didn’t get a card from anyone. But when she listened further, she overheard him musing, “Not one. I didn’t forget one person when I gave my cards away.” She breathed a sigh of relief, realizing she’d achieved her goal.

Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?

“Finally brothers, whatever is good, and honest, and lovely and of good report, think on these things…” (Philippians 4:8)

{This article was found on Jon Gordon's blog & written by Tim Elmore}

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

FREE subscription to Family Fun Magazine...

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of or signed up for Groupon. It’s amazing online deals for local cities! I’m hooked and have saved a bundle.
I was excited to hear about another similar site called Mamapedia-sweet deals at 50% off –customized for Moms!
It’s easy to use!
“We’ve partnered with some of the most in-demand businesses and providers to bring you incredible discounts on the products and services you know and love. From family-friendly restaurants to children’s museums to spa days, Mamapedia Sweet Deals help make life easier and more enjoyable for busy moms and their families. Best of all, they help you stick to your budget and boost your savings—and that’s a perk every mom can appreciate.” -Mamapedia
Check it out and sign up to get future deals in your inbox. You can snag them or pass on them.
Earlier tonight I got a subscription to Family Fun Magazine for FREE! If you sign up, you get a $5 credit and the magazine subscription is half price at only $5, so I got it FREE! Makes a perfect last minute gift or keep and enjoy it for yourself! {The deal is still going if you want to snag it!}

Growing Obedience in Your Kids...

Kids disobey for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they claim they didn’t hear mom when she told them to do something. At other times, they’re flooded with so many distractions, they forget to obey mom. Still other times, they are stubborn and just decide they want to do something else. It’s rather refreshing when kids recognize their own shortcomings. Tommy sat on Santa’s lap and recited a litany of toys he wanted for Christmas: a rocket, a bicycle, a video game, a water gun, and a DVD. When Santa replied, “Wow — I will do my best. Let me just check to see if you’ve been a good, obedient boy this year…” The boy responded, “Forget it. Just get me the rocket.”
So how do we cultivate obedience in our children? The answer may depend on how old they are, but let me suggest one idea.
Try this.
If they are young — take some time and play “Simon Says.” Do you remember that game? You stand up front and give instructions to your kids to do the following: Put their hand on their head, clap their hands, rub their stomach, jump up and down, stretch out their arms, etc. The key is: They are only to follow through and do it if you first say: “Simon Says.” You know the drill.
Afterward, talk about how this game is a little like life. When God, a parent or a teacher instructs us to do something, obedience is the name of the game. They are our leaders. Next, talk about a few stories from the Bible, where God asked his people to do something. Then, discuss the fact that there’s always a reason for obedience. Talk about why God told His people to do the following:
PERSON                   GOD’S REQUEST                            WHY WAS IT IMPORTANT?
1. Noah                      1. To build an ark                                  1.
2. Lot’s wife               2. Don’t look back on Sodom              2.
3. King David            3. Don’t take a census of Israel           3.
God actually had good reason for each of his directions for Noah, Lot’s wife and David. (It was to avoid a flood; to prevent any longing for a past sinful life; and to ensure David trusted God for protection, not his army). Similarly, both God and parents have a “why” behind their directions.
If you have older kids, try an exercise for one week. Every time you must tell them “what” to do, take a few minutes and explain “why” you’re asking them to do it. Often, when kids begin to see the “why” behind the “what,” it fosters obedience. Further, it can build trust the next time you don’t have time to explain the “why” behind your leadership. Trusting in our leaders breeds obedience.
“Children, obey your parents, in the Lord, for this is right.” (Ephesians 6:1)

{this article was written by Tim Elmore for the blog}

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Growing Generosity in your kids at Christmas

Ahhh, Christmas. It just may be the most wonderful time of the year. Every year, however parents are reminded of how much our culture has impacted the minds of our children. For instance, we all talk about Christmas being a time of giving - but let's face it, the first things kids want to do in December is to make their own Christmas list of what they'll get, not give.
So, here's an idea.
First, why not start a tradition. Along with creating their own “wish list,” your kids make out a list of the gifts they plan to give away to others. This could include people they know and perhaps people they don’t know. The gifts can be ones they buy with their own money, or some of their own possessions they treasure.
Let’s take it a step further. What if for every gift they put on their wish list, they have to match it with a gift they plan to give away—one of their own toys, dolls, electronic devices, or games? This may just balance their “giving and receiving” experience a bit more. Then, they select a family less fortunate, and make an anonymous drop-off to that family. (Remember “ding dong ditch”?)
I know of a mom and dad who had their kids go through all their toys one December and make two piles. The first pile would include the toys they planned on giving away; the second, toys they felt were worth keeping. (This made room for the new toys they’d soon receive on Christmas.)
The clincher was, this mom and dad talked about sacrificial giving, and shared how they planned to give one of their cars to a needy family. Then, they had their children give away the pile of toys they had planned to keep.
Sacrifice is true generosity. It was hard for a few moments, but unforgettable in the end. Those kids still talk about that incredible experience four years later.
Jesus reminds us: “This poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned” (Mark 12:43-44).
{this article was found on}

Thursday, December 9, 2010

santa & some tears...

its not fun to hear babies cry,
but it sure is fun to see pictures of them!

and this baby {jax nelson} isn't crying, 
but too cute not to include!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a chance to Christmas shop without kids 
or just go out for a fun night together!
This Friday, December 3rd, 6-10pm
at Brookside Baptist Church
(hosted & staffed by cityKIDS volunteers)
(pizza, drinks, crafts, & a kids movie provided)
(# of kids & their ages)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Marriage Tips...


1. Talk to your spouse more kindly than you talk to anyone else in the world. Too often we speak the most harshly to those closest to us.

2. Remember that marriage is less about marrying the right person and more about becoming the right person.

3. Don’t forget to laugh. Most couples spend the majority of their time talking logistics: who’s doing the grocery shopping, who’s calling the repairman, who’s picking up the kids. A relationship can’t survive on logistics. Have a water fight instead.

4. She needs you to be her best friend. Everyday, talk to her and tell her what you’re thinking. Even if you don’t think you’re thinking about anything. She needs to hear your heart.

5. He needs you to be his cheerleader. Let him know you believe he can take on the world.

6. Find ways to say “I love you” that don’t involve sex

7. When you dress up, make sure the main person you’re dressing up for is him. And put on lipstick.

8. Leave the toilet seat down.

9. Forgiving means not bringing that old infraction up every time you have a new fight. Let it go.

10. If it’s not solved at 2:30 a.m., it’s not going to be solved at 3:00 a.m. either. Go to sleep. You can deal with it tomorrow, assuming you even remember what the fight was about.

11. When you’re having an argument, listen to understand, don’t listen to find loopholes so you can win. Marriage is either a win/win or a lose/lose. You can’t win by beating someone else down.

12. Your kids come second, not first. Your marriage needs to be number one. Your spouse was there before the kids and will be there after the kids move out. Work on that relationship first.

13. If you haven’t fully committed to your marriage, it won’t succeed. If you’re always testing your spouse, your spouse will always come up short. No one is perfect.

14. You will never drift together. People only ever drift apart. If you want to grow closer, you have to be intentional about it.

15. Let her cry. She needs to every now and then.

16Don’t bug him if he doesn’t cry. Some men just don’t show their feelings. That’s why they’re men.

17. Don’t say everything that’s on your mindMore marriages would survive if more things went unsaid.

18. Let her be your every fantasyKeep your eyeballs off everyone else.

19. Let him be your every fantasy. Keep your eyeballs off romance novels.

20. Don’t think he’s gross if he farts. Don’t think she’s pathetic if she obsesses over paint colors. You married someone of the opposite gender. That’s what life is about.

21. Don’t run to your mom if your spouse does something you don’t like. You’re a unit now. Act like it.

22. Make one of your favorite topics of conversation how much you admire your spouse. Tell your kids. Tell your friends. And let your spouse hear.

23. Men would be ecstatic if women showed up naked and brought food. Most women need more than that. Men, make it your goal in life to figure her out. Woo her. She’s worth it.

24. Say yes far more frequently than you say no.
And finally, for us women:

25. Every now and then, jump him.

And may you all live happily ever after.

(written by Sheila Wray Gregoire who blogs daily at To Love, Honor and Vacuum!)

Monday, November 22, 2010

cityTOTS parents: 

This past Sunday we started a new 5 week series.

In I CAN FOLLOW, Kai and Lil'K learn that God is the best leader ever!

Memory Verse: 
Lord show me Your ways. Teach me how to follow you. Psalm 25:4

Week #1 - I can follow God - Abraham follows God to a new place
Genesis 12:1-9

Week #2 - I can follow God's word: the Bible - Josiah follows God's words
2 Kings 22-23

Week #3 - I can follow God right now - Simon and Andrew follow God
Mark 1:16-18

Week #4 - I can follow God and obey - Noah builds the ark
Genesis 6:13-22

Week #5 - I can follow God's example - Jesus models by words and actions
John 13:1-17

Each week your child will bring home a "MAP Book". This is designed for parents involvement and to help build early spiritual formation delivered through fun learning activities. The MAP Book informs parents and reinforces the key-learning objective.

Watch a clip of it here

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

7 Secrets of Low Stress Families...

I think we all want to be a low stress family.  We all live busy lives.  We all encounter difficult situations, that's just a part of living.  We all have stress.  The key is to learning how to downplay the stress and create joy and togetherness in your household.  I thought this article offered some really great advice for keeping your family focused on truly being together.
You may or may not agree with all 7 secrets.  I'm not going to comment on any of them, I am just going to give you the facts, straight from the article and let you draw your own conclusions...
The research was based on 32 California based families who opened up their lives to a 3-person crew for 4 days.  In every family, both parents worked outside the home and had two or more children.  So here are the similarities they found.
  1. Low-stress couples don't divvy up the chores.  They don't keep score.  "There was more of a'we-ness', the attitude was more we do this for our family, not I do this for you."
  2. Low-stress families find moments of togetherness.  They understand that moments of togetherness do not necessarily happen on vacation, they happen during special moments like braiding their daughter's hair or cheering together at their son's t-ball game.
  3. Low-stress parents are role models, not pals.  "There was still affection and humor in homes where the parents were the bosses, there was never a question of who was in charge.
  4. Low-stress moms make dinner from scratch.  The average woman spent about an hour preparing dinner.  Also, children who were involved in the food preparation always ate what they were served. (I am simply relaying the information here.)
  5. Low-stress moms take five minutes of me time.  The secret to being fully present and enjoying family life is taking 5-10 minutes to yourself.  This is a healthy act, not a selfish one.
  6. Low-stress families watch TV together.  "Bonding can be sharing snacks, high-fiving when a basketball team scores, or guessing trivia questions together."  When families laugh together, it creates a shared memory.
  7. Low-stress families embrace daily rituals.  Routine and continuity (not spontaneity and excitement) set the foundation for making family relationships thrive.  
I will say that the one that shocked me the most is the one about TV.  There is a lot of controversy about TV.  TV can cause a lot of damage to a family.  TVs in every room can cause separation.  But as I read this, I vividly remembered sitting as a family watching The Cosby Show and laughing together.  It is a small but great memory.
If you would like to read the full article found from Redbook, you can click here.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What do my kids really need?

It may not be what you think…

The word egocentric refers to a world that “revolves around oneself.”  Theocentric refers to a world that “revolves around God.”  I wonder if there is a word that describes someone whose world “revolves around their kids.”  If there’s a word for that I haven’t found it.  Let’s make one up.  How bout kidocentric?  That sounds smart. 

Lately I’ve been noticing a trend that’s not new, but it seems to be growing faster than ever.  Parents who are living in a kidocentric world.  They are absolutely consumed with making sure their kids are in every activity, at every event, and have every opportunity.  They wouldn’t ever admit it, but their kids are calling the shots. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about providing for your kids.  This is not an article for parents who neglect their kids, it’s an article for the parents who have a tendency to live for their kids.

Never in my life have I seen so many parents sacrifice everything in the name of their kids, especially their marriage.  Here’s the usual sentence I hear, “My husband/wife and I may be growing apart right now but our kids are really involved in a lot of stuff.” Or something like that. 

It’s almost like being kidocentric is a justifiable reason to have a crappy marriage.  I know my marriage stinks but my kid is really excelling in math and he looks so cute in that soccer uniform.  Seriously?

I think we need to get back to understanding that we were husbands or wives long before we were fathers or mothers.  Our initial calling is to our spouse and in that calling we pass down an incredible blessing to our children.  One they may not understand right now. 

The greatest thing you can give your child is not another activity, event, or opportunity; it’s a mom and dad who are passionately in love with one another.  That means don’t feel guilty for leaving your kids with a babysitter every now and then.  Show your kids that your prioritize your marriage above your role as father and mother and you are actually setting them up for greatness.  One day they will look back and respect you even more.

I know it’s easy to fall into a trap of neglecting your marriage for you kids.  Fight that tendency.  What your kids really need is to see a reflection of a godly marriage that they can forever pattern their own life and marriage after.

This article was written by Pastor Matt for the Urban Tulsa Weekly.

Monday, November 1, 2010


10 family tested and fun ways to help brothers and sisters get along...

Playmates, adversaries, sworn enemies, friends for life. Siblings can be all of these t one another, sometime in the same afternoon. Its a challenge, after all, to share just about everything: toys, chores, a parent's attention. So in the interest of promoting sibling harmony and, yes, even fun, we asked readers to tell us how they encourage their kids to get along. Here, we present their smartest solutions, including techniques that teach sibling appreciation, way to nip squabble in the bud, and a calendar that inspires not-so-random acts of kindness. And although these ideas won't guarantee you perpetual peace and quiet, they will help introduce your kids to some really terrific people: each other!

*simple strategy* sibling SOS
(to help build strong bonds, teach kids to rely on one another)
How do you get children of various ages with different interests to feel connected? When kids need help with something encourage them whenever possible to ask a sibling instead of a parent. The result? Knowing they can count on one another translates into mutual affection.

*argument ender* five good names
(turn the table on name calling with this clever rule)
When you hear your sibling spats degenerate into name calling, step-in and ask them to retract the insult and add five good names in its place. The rule not only defuses arguments, it also helps them look at what they like and admire in each other.

*daily ritual* making nice
(pose this simple dinnertime question to get siblings doing good deeds)
Sometimes promoting brotherly and sisterly love is as easy as making a small change in your routine - add three words to their regular dinnertime question. Instead of, "What did you do today?" ask "What did you do that was nice today?" That little addition has made a big difference in the home of the Mercado family. Cheryl (mother) says, "they go through the day thinking ahead about the nice things they'll do," something that's made her kids more considerate of others people - especially one another.

*simple strategy* the giving calendar
(remind kids to be nice with a few scheduled acts of kindness)
To shift their kids focus from themselves to those around them - including their siblings - the Mattox's, buy calendars every December for their daughters. "When we see the 'me monsters' coming out, we ask the girls to get their calendars. With their parents help the girls brainstorm two weeks worth of kind acts each, which are written in the Monday through Friday squares and duly performed on those days. (the girls are encouraged to be spontaneous on weekends) Over the years, their selfless acts have included giving out hugs, hiding a nice note in a jacket pocket, and weeding a neighbor's garden. And while their beneficiaries have included friends and teachers, more often than not they've looked to each other. They will start to doing nice things for each other even when they're not scheduled.

*fun incentive* bakers' day
(cook up some sibling cooperation in the kitchen)
It was 9-year-old Jamie's love for cooking that inspired her mother to approach sibling bonding. She suggested that Jamie and her brother whip up a sweet treat each Saturday, known in their house as Bakers' Day. They had a deal that if the kids didn't argue while they were cooking, they would get to eat their creation as soon as it was ready. If they failed to cooperate (rare!), the treats are delivered to their grandparents.  The kids would do all the mixing and measuring, then Mom would join them when its time to use the oven. Food has proven to be the glue that's cemented their relationship. As they've learned to work together in the kitchen, that has carried over to the rest of the time they spend together.

*easy reward* the red plate
(make sure good deed don't go unnoticed)
To help create stronger bonds among her kids, Virginia purchased a bright red ceramic dish to add to the family's all-white set. Then she explained that a child who has done something thoughtful for a sibling, such as helping with chores, would get to eat off the special plate that day. What's more, the kids were charged with nominating one another for the honor. Being recognized this way really helps them feel good about themselves and each other.

*simple strategy* the power of the pen
(encourage siblings to see one another's strengths)
Several reader told us they used journal writing to strengthen their kids' relationship. A few nights a week, two sisters end their day by dictating an entry to their mom. There are two ground rules: each girl has to record something good about her day and something she likes about her sister. Mom, Hannah says that besides teaching to see the good in each other, the ritual has given her an interesting new perspective on their relationship. A mom in Texas, uses special notebooks to help her four kids appreciate one another more. Once a month, the family spreads the books on the table and each pens an affectionate message or cartoon in each of the other kids' books. "As we watch the pages fill up and the messages mature, I realize what prized keepsakes these notebooks are going to be."

*fun incentive* weekend camp-in
(offer a special way for siblings to spend time together)
Most weekends in the Pelsos house the kids have a camp-in. On Friday and Saturday nights, the kids' job is to decide where they want to sleep (in a tent in the master bedroom, on the sleeper sofa, or in one another's bunk beds) and what movie they would like to watch. "They love it and it's a fun way to teach them to make decisions together", says mom. And because the camp-in is a privilege based on good behavior, it gives them a big incentive to get along during the week.

*argument ender* don't fight - write!
(have kids write about a disagreement to help them calm down)
When sisters Nevin and Kaylin start to bicker, they're more likely to write it out than fight it out. So mom asks them to get pencil and paper and then write down what happened. "It encourages them to think about what they said and did, and helps them to cool down." Often they exchanges letters that contains mutual apologies and occasionally a heartfelt peace offering. The bonus: they get a chance to practice their writing skills!

*easy reward* the get-along jar
(give your kids a good reason to work together)
Weary of sibling squabbles, Mom Mindy was looking for a positive way to encourage her children to cooperate. She found an empty jar and told them that every time she "caught" them working together or helping the other, she'd put a quarter in the jar. When the jar was full, the children would get to decide how to spend the money - with one important restriction: whatever they chose had to be something they could share or do together. So far, the kids have used their quarters to visit an ice cream shop, the zoo, and the local discovery museum. Mindy say the jar has done more than just reward good behavior, though: "Having a common purpose have taught my kids how to cooperate.

(the article was in FamilyFun magazine and written by Leslie Garisto Pfaff)