Friday, October 29, 2010

a minute of praise...

I once heard Michelle Duggar say that you should praise your children 10 times more than you correct them. She went on to say that you should always praise publicly and punish privately.

When I tell my seven year old how kind he is, I see him react in kindness throughout the rest of the day. When my three year old shares his candy from our Friday after school gas station trip with his brother, I make a big deal about how generous he is. He now shares his candy every time. 

It makes sense. We all respond better to praise over correction. But it is really difficult to put this into practice when dealing day in and day out with your children. There seems to be so many things that need correction. However, I am finding that when I intentionally praise my kids, there are less things that need correction.

Starting tonight, I am adding something to our bed time routine: A minute of praise. Right after we say our prayers, I plan on saying one great thing that each of them did that day. Obviously this won't replace spontaneous praise throughout the day, but it will allow us to thoughtfully affirm each of them in front of the other.

I would love some more ideas about this... how do you praise your children? 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Parents of kids in cityTOTS:
We started a new series yesterday called Bible Superheroes. It will be five weeks long.
In BIBLE SUPERHEROES, we discover the qualities that Superheroes are made of! Our heroic stories are about Jehoshaphat, as he witnesses GOD'S SUPER POWER, Moses, the great SUPER DOER before Pharaoh, Gideon who was SUPER BRAVE, and Esther the SUPER BOLD Queen. There's even a talking donkey who had SUPER EYES. GOD'S SUPER POWER transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary! No spandex required--it's time to be SUPER!
Week #1: GOD has SUPER POWER : Jehoshaphat asks God for help (2Chronicles 20)
Week #2: Esther is SUPER BOLD : Queen Esther goes before the King and saves her people (Esther 4, 5, and 6)
Week #3: Moses is a SUPER DOER : Moses obeys and goes before Pharaoh (Exodus 4)
Week #4: A Donkey gets SUPER EYES : Balaam's donkey steers him away from trouble (Numbers 22)
Week #5: Gideon is SUPER BRAVE : God goes before Gideon and wins the battle     (Judges 6)
Your child will be bringing home a MAP BOOK each week. This is designed for parent(s) and child involvement and to help review the Bible story.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

One of the most important gifts 
you can ever give your child is the 
gift of encouragement.

- From 20 (Surprisingly Simple) Rules and Tools 
for a Great Family by Dr. Steve Stephens